Examples of seeing the bigger picture
Examples of seeing the bigger picture

He said a number of new subject courses involve project work and the bigger picture should be kept in mind to ensure students were not overloaded. Now that we have gotten over these multifarious horribles, we are obliged to ponder the bigger picture. While it gives people a sense of commonality and familiarity, it also keeps them from seeing the bigger picture and being responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.Ĭonsequently, there will now be a battle royal about the rights and wrongs of these particular tactics, and the bigger picture will inevitably be lost. Murphy says those opposed to the race need to look at the bigger picture, with the event putting New Zealand on the map for something other than rugby or yachting. However, Amnesty criticised the department for not looking at the bigger picture and investigating whether the goods were re-exported after being sent to Scotland. Today LABEL offers 60 specialists who want to share with you all their knowledge to help you see a bigger picture.īut rather than honing in on the present, the designer is focused on the bigger picture instead. We must see the bigger picture that has constructed this situation in the first place. Membership in CHF Canada gives each individual co-op the opportunity to be part of the bigger picture of Canadian housing co-ops. In the past, traditional aid projects were often carried out in isolation rather than designed to be part of a bigger picture. It is essential to look at the bigger picture, think about the end-product and envisage the place where the business will end up. Reviewers are better able to see the bigger picture and identify systemic faults or issues on the project. With this bigger picture in mind, we develop engines and technology that have less impact on mother earth. There is no doubt that you have members who are concerned about their job security and then the bigger picture. Obviously such influences in the bigger picture also impact crop prices here. To get the bigger picture, consider all the sources above before taking action.Įxplain the nature of your business, how it works and how the apprentice fits into the bigger picture. The project must be considered in its entirety and we must keep an eye on the bigger picture.īut with the attention that's being paid and with increased pressure, I think it will become part of the bigger picture. To gain a better understanding of the bigger picture he lived in the region for a greater length of time and cultivated a paddy field.įrancine Morin started by describing what she felt was a bigger picture of the situation in North America.

examples of seeing the bigger picture

Yet, to blusteringly cry out that media crusades and funding tussles are corrosive to the public interest is to miss the bigger picture. While we think hard about mechanisms, we are always thinking of the bigger picture too – the avenue forward to therapeutics. If all this still seems like a storm in a dragon-shaped teacup, then look at the bigger picture. The increasingly opaque Williams, dragged into the church's interminable conflicts, needs a right-hand man to keep an eye on the bigger picture.īenefits like this, however, fade into insignificance compared to the bigger picture.Īnd while the out-turn on the public finances for 2001-02 may be slightly better than expected, the bigger picture is not so good. While this is commendably humble, it is also a pity that the reader is thereby deprived of the bigger picture. It's kind of hard not to think of the bigger picture when a destroyer and an aircraft carrier are docked in the bay a few miles away. Women are more emotional, think in grander ways and can see the bigger picture, whereas a lot of men prefer the smaller picture. They were totally self-directed and had a vision not only of the production but of the bigger picture of what it meant for their lives. It sounds more impersonal, but looks at the bigger picture in the decision-making process. The content industry needs to take a step back and see the bigger picture to find a new business model. If we have a look at the bigger picture, the market is recovering from an oversold position. The launch will involve the ceremonial removal of pink blindfolds, to symbolise eyes being opened to the bigger picture.īut the bigger picture of discord and trouble in the camp is worrying in the extreme.Īnd in perhaps the most pertinent comment of the day, he took a swipe at all those who had lost sight of the bigger picture.

examples of seeing the bigger picture

In the bigger picture, I do not ever want to be the involuntary dispenser of any consumer advertisement hidden inside a product sample box. We are a proud Omani company and hope to drive the country's progress as well as our own by looking at the bigger picture. While a win in this derby will be important in itself, he will be looking at the bigger picture.

Examples of seeing the bigger picture