Mol Psychiatry 8:646–653Īpparsundaram S, Galli A, DeFelice LJ, Hartzell HC, Blakely RD (1998) Acute regulation of norepinephrine transport: I. Biochim Biophys Acta 1137:331–337Īnguelova M, Benkelfat C, Turecki G (2003) A systematic review of association studies investigating genes coding for serotonin receptors and the serotonin transporter: II. KeywordsĪnderson GM, Horne WC (1992) Activators of protein kinase C decrease serotonin transport in human platelets. This chapter summarizes current knowledge of transporters with a focus on genomic variations, expression variations, pharmacology of protein variants, and known association with human diseases. It is increasingly apparent that genetic variants of monoamine transporters also contribute to individual differences in behavior and neuropsychiatric disorders. Genetic variants can influence transporter function by various mechanisms, including substrate affinities, transport velocity, transporter expression levels (density), extracellular membrane expression, trafficking and turnover, and neurotransmitter release. Genetic studies of human biogenic amine transporter genes, including the dopamine transporter (hDAT SLC6A3), the serotonin transporter (hSERT SLC6A4), and the norepinephrine transporter (hNET SLC6A2) have provided insight into how genomic variations in these transporter genes influence pharmacology and brain physiology. Released neurotransmitters are sequesteredby transporters into presynaptic neurons, a major mode of their inactivation in the brain.
Biogenic amine neurotransmitters are released from nerve terminals and activate pre-andpostsynaptic receptors.